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Not Another Label explores the capitalisation of the internet’s asset of being an incubator for vulnerability and open conversations often inhibited in real life. More specifically, the stigmatised issue of mental health.


This campaign calls out fashion labels that are carelessly slapping on labels as a point of

relatability without realising they are instilling negative subconscious thinking pathways through enclothed cognition.


Regardless of good intentions, saturating the market with labels tied to poor mental health and illnesses on quirky clothing is perpetuating the ignorance behind the heavily stigmatised issue of mental health in society.


It has evolved into a form of censorship. An emotional censorship whereby people have grown desensitised to the weight of these words frivolously printed onto trendy apparel. These words carry the weight of stories pegged with struggle, judgement and loss.


With mental health disorders on the rise amongst youths, it is imperative for fashion to start having substantial conversations about mental health. 

Mental health is not just another buzzword. (1).gif (2).gif
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